It’s the hatred.
The discrimination.
The child cast out.
The countless people murdered.
It is the bullying.
The beatings.
The harrasment.
It’s the mugger in the alley.
It’s the people who hate something,
That doesn’t even affect them.
It’s blaming those who aren’t the same as you,
For your problems.
It’s an excuse,
For people to be the worst versions of themself.
For people to be horrible.
Because it isn’t their fault,
That person was gay.
Because if they have a “good” reason,
To attack others,
It doesn’t make them bad.
It is the fear,
Of things they cannot understand.
It is the ignorance,
Of a person,
Who doesn’t understand love.
Who doesn’t understand,
That sometimes,
You can’t decide who you are.
It is the shameless harming,
Of people.
They aren't sinners.
It is the harming of people,
Because they feel better about themselves,
When they put others down.
It is the religious fanatic,
Shoving their religion down the throats of those,
Who believe something different.
It's the hellish people,
Who claim they are filled with love,
That condemn love.
It is the pretentious certainty of a person,
Who thinks,
That because they love someone different,
Than those they persecute,
They must be better.
It is the young adult,
Who spends countless years,
In therapy,
Because of all the harrassment they faced.
It is the rising suicide rate.
The feeling,
That who you are,
Is not okay,
Because society has told us so.
It's the supression of innumerous people,
And the innumerous haters,
Creating justifications,
For why their hatred and bullying is okay.
It the people who preach love,
Who say they love people,
In one breath,
And tell you that you will be damned,
In the next.
It is the narrow minded views,
That have hurt so many.
Society knows the costs.
It encourages it anyway.