PT is for the Strong
Never again.
Two days ago a friend of mine, who is in the army, invited me to go to PT. For those who don’t know, that’s Physical Training. I said “Sure! Sounds like fun!”
I woke up the morning after and my WHOLE BODY felt like it had been run over by a drill sergeant on an ATV. I’m in college, so I have to go to my 9 a.m. class. Afterwards I stand up with some friends and start limp-walking, only for my arms to completely cramp up and stop working. My backpack falls to the ground while I let out an undignified yelp. My friend wouldn’t let me have my backpack back for the rest of the walk.
Later that night I start to feel slightly better. Then I remember I forgot to print out a paper for my 5 o’clock class. I rush to a printer, which happens to be up a small set of steps in the building I entered. On the way back down the steps my legs stopped working! I don’t know if I tripped or if they were just like “Nope! No more stairs for us!” I toppled down the stairs, and caught myself in the push up position...with my arms. Sufficeth to say, they were not happy. I don’t know what dislocation feels like, but I literally could not move them more than 30 degrees in either direction after that.
I’m proud to say that this morning I can move my arms again! Though I wince everytime I sneeze still cause my abs feel like a lost MMA match.
Never again will I work out with the army. Until next week cause it was actually really fun.