What does a moment hold? If you were trapped in a single moment, what would you see or experience?
Write about time slowed down so that a single moment can be taken in fully.
The Moment
They all say to live in the moment.
There is no 'the moment'.
It's all moments.
Endless minutes rolling on, and on, to make an hour, then a day, a week... a month... a year... a decade...
It's all time.
It always, connects, never slowing down, or speeding up for anything.
How can I live in a moment, or describe a single moment when it rolls into the next with no warning and no pause, and even if there was, that pause is time wasted.
Time... time... time... life... time... death... time...time...
Time is always there. It never stops. Even when you die, time keeps moving.