Eternities, Chances, Possibilities
A moment is sixty seconds.
Each second holds an eternity.
It only takes a second,
To save the world.
It takes a single second,
To right a wrong.
One minute.
Sixty chances,
To do the right thing.
Sixty chances,
To tell someone,
You love them.
One second to do wrong.
One to apologize.
One for forgiveness.
And fifty-seven,
For rebuilding that relationship,
Stonger than ever.
Sixty friends,
You could make.
Sixty hearts,
You could break.
Each second,
Is worth more,
Than it's weight in gold.
But each second,
Holds so much weight.
There isn't enough gold,
For a single second,
Let alone a minute.
Sixty seconds,
Can be,
The worst mistake,
Of your life.
It can be the best decision.
So much potential.
It seems like such a short,
Amount of time.
But one minute,
Can change a life.
The person you are,
Shifts with each second.
Sixty shifts,
In a minute.
Every minute,
Brings you futher from where,
You started.
In a single minute,
You can see another,
Live or die.
Could live or die.
Each moment is uncertain;
You will not know if you will have another,
Until you have it.
You will not know,
If it is your last,
Until you've had it.
A moment.
Sixty eternities.
Sixty possibilities.
Sixty chances,
To change the world.
Use your moments wisely.