Love you.
Write a poem or short story about someone you care for. Keep it respectful and honest, please. Otherwise, there are no structured rules- feel free to write fiction based off of the person, recall a favorite story, or write poetry about how you feel.
Don’t Worry
Don't forget I love you.
Never forget that.
Don't worry about the demons.
Your smile will defeat them.
Don't worry about the world falling apart.
It's going to be okay.
Don't worry about the ones that hold you back.
You'll get your chance to fly.
Don't worry about the people that surround you.
You have a safe place in your mind.
Don't worry about the things you can't control.
The changes within your reach are more important.
Don't worry about the distance.
Out of sight is not always out of mind.
I love you.
Remember that on the bad days.