“Call Me When You’re Sober”
You got drunk again,
Told me you loooved meee.
Slurring your words,
Ruining your grand speech.
It's over.
It's over.
I'm taken the blame,
For all your mistakes.
If you loved me,
You wouldn't have left me.
You're drunk.
It's over.
"You can't play the victim this time."
I'm done.
You're drunk.
"You never call me when you're sober."
You didn't want it then.
But you want it now.
"You only want it 'cause it's over."
Stop saying you love me,
When you're drunk.
Stop calling me.
"If you loved me,
You would be here with me."
I won't take the blame this time.
You have to deal with your own mistakes.
I don't have you now,
And I don't think I ever did.
I don't think you were ever mine.
You can't blame me this time.
You can't.
"Must be exhausting to lose your own game."
You're too late.
I'm over it.
Nothing about this will change.
I'm done.
You're drunk.
"I've made up your mind."