($)What's Your Favorite Genre?
(offering $ Juice!!!) I'm trying to write a novel for NaNoWriMo. I don't know if I'll get done due to my busy schedule, but I'm gonna try to dive in anyway. The problem is the fact that I have way too many ideas! I don't know which one of my concepts to settle on. There are so many characters that have so much potential in my opinion, and my brain is always so indecisive. Whoever helps to convince me of which genre novel to write will win the challenge (and get some juice as thanks!) You can write a short story, poem, or just discuss the reason why you like the genre you picked. Whichever entry conveys the message best will be chosen winner by me. I appreciate you all and wish you well on your own NaNoWriMo adventures! God bless!
The Worlds Within My Soul.
Sci-fi's my reality.
Drama roams my nightly dreams.
Horror creeps into my brain.
Action's pumping through my veins.
Rearranging history,
Rediscovering mystery.
Adventure waits at every turn.
Facts arrive, you're sure to learn.
Fantasy set to abound.
Magic floating all around.
Castles rising to the skies.
Many people. Sundry lives.
Reading things and hearing songs.
Writing words that string along.
Dancing through the varied lands
Imagination says I can.
Close my eyes, I wander on.
Although you don't notice I'm gone.
The worlds within this quirky soul
Are just too numerous to know.