Lost In My Own Mind
My mind was swimming and thoughts kept coming. They kept screaming at me and wouldn't leave. I couldn't find a way to smile and nothing seemed worth my while. I started sleeping more and doing less. The thoughts flowed in saying I was worthless and everything I did was a mistake. My mind went blank of all but one thought, "What are you still doing here?" Here as in my room? No. Here as in this world. Yes. what was I doing still being on Earth when nothing I did was right. When I left my pet alone with the vets to die, when all I say and do is nonsense, when my body is broken and brusised. Why should I still be here taking up oxygen, adding polution, and recking people's life. I should still be here so that I can tell my story. I should still be here so that others know they are not alone. I am still here so that others don't do what I almost did. I'm still here so that others don't hurt themselves and possibly end it all. If I can help just one that's enough of a reason as any to still be here, Breathing, living, laughing, and smiling to the best of my ability.