Old Nellie
She was just a washerwoman but 'er kids was always fed,
An' she didn't have no 'usband 'cause the bugger 'e was dead,
So she shrugged off all the misery an' got stuck into work,
Earnin' pennies for 'er efforts tho' 'er duty's never shirked,
In due time 'er kids was older 'cause she was a mother true,
An' she never took no put downs from the likes of me and you,
Though she grafted like a good 'un there was always grub at home,
An' she'd kiss 'er kids goodnight before she went to bed alone,
All 'er neighbours saw 'er efforts an' they'd 'elp as best they could,
'Cause good people stick together just like all good people should,
Even though it was a struggle 'er kids made it into school,
'Cause she'd taught 'em all beforehand so's they wouldn't look a fool,
In the end she couldn't work no more 'cause old age held 'er back,
But them kids they all was good 'uns and they cut her lots of slack,
An' they cried for mother Nellie an' they repaid all 'er love,
Now she washes up in heaven lookin' down from up above,
Now the Good Lord loves a clean 'ouse an' 'e blessed those kids of 'ers,
An' in time they all was married to some very 'andsome sirs,
But old Nellie was remembered with 'er picture on the wall,
That Washerwoman Nellie was the greatest mum of all,