Chapbook Messiah
Every time I find a chapbook
In a used bookstore
I get a burning desire to
Rescue it.
They are always laden with
The memories and the dreams of
Ink pen warriors.
Someone out in the world
Bold enough to share their most
Intimate secrets with
Complete strangers.
The Underdogs.
I imagine a wordsmith
Losing sleep over the perfect
Placement of syllables.
I wonder how many hands
Have passed the little Chaps around
Like fifty page harlots.
The bookstore looks more like
A brothel, going under since the
Industrial Revolution.
You can almost see the
Steam billowing from the pages.
And you can sense the desperate
Author trying to eat poetry.
I wonder how Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Felt in 1958, selling his book for one dollar.
As if his words weren’t worth more.
I want to liberate the Russian literature
From the oppressive binds of the
Fifty-cent shelf.
To give back to those from whom
My fathers took so much.
I owe it to them,
The poor little Chaps.
Sent off to die in the
Scholastic Army.