[$#2wtJWU^963$] Must Die
My thots, the color of forgotten vodka.
Snow-blind to all good.
Black powder running in pipes,
A ticking time bomb, impatient.
[$#2wtJWU^963$] must die.
Else learn to feel the heat of thot,
The sleeting of emotion
That defines one as normal.
Become one with others.
The sweet taste of love at first sight,
Beyond me, I don’t know when.
Since the killing days that thrilled so,
Crushed nerves into soup,
All pain highways dissolved,
Emptiness prevails.
One distant hope left.
A diamond, hidden for a lifetime,
Washes ashore on a night of fortune,
Consumes the evil dead air,
Reclaims what was lost,
Replenishes all thots.
The promise of dawn, colored.