Motion for a United People of Earth
My fellow brothers and sisters of Earth, I give you these words in a time of great need for great change.
This change is global.
I ask you to recall 100,000 years ago, a time in which sovereign societies consisted of only several dozen citizens. 30,000 years ago - tribes - and we have now somehow surpassed the 100-citizen societal mark. 10,000 years ago, and civilization is born - along with empires, and greed, and ego. Suddenly a sovereign society consists of well over 1,000 members, spanning hundreds and thousands of acres in jurisdiction. Gradually, over time, the size of each average civilization exponentially expands in space and occupation. Now sovereign societies span entire so-called "continents." And here we are today, with sovereign societies such as the United States, European Union, and People's Republic of China. Hundreds of millions of humans all adhering to the same systems of policy, the same structures of law. Would it not seem only natural, given the nature of past events, that the future of civilization on Earth as we know it is truly global? - that it exceeds the geographic scope of continents, effectively uniting all bodies of land constituting what we know as planet Earth? Perhaps you disagree with said rhetorical question. That said, consider my case. Specifically, consider the necessary mechanics and agreements for a fully functional, thriving global society. The aforementioned imperatives are ultimately contingent upon a relatively small number of laws. Perhaps you dislike the word "law;" that's fine - you can use the word "expectation," or "right," or "guarantee," or "protection," or "power," or the rest. Let's use the word "right" in this case. I am making the case that every single being alive on Earth at this time is owed assurance of these rights. But let's be even more specific; let's exclusively consider "human" rights, and let's be as minimalist and efficient as possible with the inference. I will speak intuitively. One immediate, global human right is health. Physical and nonphysical health. Another is knowledge. Education. Yet another is safety, security - which encompasses living shelter as well as martial protection. Perhaps another such rudimentary, global human right is that to time - that is, to the freedom of being able to spend one's time - the quantity of one's life - in alignment with one's soul, one's true purpose and the passion emanating from it, rather than spend one's time simply to make ends meet - to survive. I don't have much time so in response to said global human rights, I yield the following prospective solutions. My solution to the right for time is the solution already well underway, which means technology handling all the dirty work, so to speak, and affording humans that much more time to create and explore rather than toil and grind. My solution to the right for safety is a global tax that gets allocated fairly and justly to the areas and citizens most in need of making such ends meet at any point in time. My solution to the right for knowledge is a global tax that makes effective, true education free and available for everyone. Lastly, my solution to the right for health is a similar such global tax that makes quality healthcare free and available for everyone. The anarchists, capitalists, and conspiracy theorists at this time will probably contend that these solutions to these issues are economically inferior to the status quo (or something not so far from it), and to that I respond, simply consider the possibility that humankind investing such capital and resources into humankind itself, and ultimately into Earth itself, warrants an astronomically greater expected value than what continuing with the status quo (or anything not so far from it) warrants.
Thank you for your attention and support.
May we all prevail.