Nice Hat, Awkward Moment
That awkward moment when you tell your sibling they look good in your new hat.
That awkward moment when you told them that because you can’t actually see them.
That awkward moment when you try on your hat, and look crazy.
That awkward moment when there is metal on your head and someone hits it with a fork.
That awkward moment when you decide you are the biggest dork.
That awkward moment when your hat keeps falling off, because it’s not made for you.
That awkward moment when you write about a hat.
That awkward moment when it isn’t a hat at all.
That awkward moment when your hat is actually...
Your family’s collander.
That awkward moment whe you don’t know why you are wearing it.
That awkward moment when you are anyway.
That akward moment when wearing a collander is actually kind of nice.