Man Is [X] Good... [X] Evil... [ ] Doomed
I remember when he said:
The world is a terrible place,
but it is also a beautiful place.
People are born
People die
People break addiction
People cling to their comforts
People extend a hand of forgiveness
People hold tight to their anger
People will drink from the chalace of peace
and some will hope the other's is poisoned
Despite all our best efforts
humanity is falling
f a l l i n g...
f l i g...
a l n
And yet there is the ones who persist
they take their rocks
they take their bricks
they take their pain
and they b i d
u l
b u i l d
on the foundations of a new dawn
a new day
a new beginning
There will be people who destroy all goodness
There will be people who are good despite all the bad
If you do not see the goodness while searching around you
then it is your duty to become that goodness
Humanity is evil
But humanity is also very very good