Challenge of the Month XI: December
The Unknown. Perhaps it's our purpose, or an obscure branch of theoretical physics. Maybe it's the existence of a supreme being, or the origin of life. Or maybe it's something more personal. Write about something unknown. Fiction or non-fiction, poetry or Prose. $100 purse to our favorite entry. Outstanding entries will be shared with our publishing partners.
She killed them.
All of them.
My people, my family.
And I forgot.
I made myself forget.
I know not,
But what I do know,
Is that I have to get my memories back.
All of them.
I have lived a dozen lives,
And for all of them, I was running.
I was always running, from the Caligo Unus.
The Dark Ones, the cult who wish to free her from her prison.
Do they know not what she has done to the world?
I have to leave, and remember who I am.
For now, The Bridge is your only hope.
Run to him, he awaits on Terrae.
(The inhabitants call the planet: