A Constitution of Morals
What makes you, friend?
Is it your body?
The one you need to breath
The air of oak trees
With your arms like branches
And fingers of twigs
That you count your usesless coins
Your money does not make you, friend
Not how much you splurge
It is not the beginning
Nor the end
Of what you can be
Are you what you see?
A reflection of the world
A vision of the present
Too many people are
Carbon copies
Not diamonds
So what?
Your knowledge?
Your education?
Just what did those 'teachers' tell you?
And of the words they weave
A feast of lies for the naive mind
Writers of the worst kind of fiction
Do not let their words posion you
Do not let them make you
It is your constitution of morals that makes you
That saves you
It's the line you draw
That defines you
There are two reason why a person won't do something
They can't
They won't
What won't you do?