I feel like I am falling apart,
as if the force of my own
can no longer
hold the
broken eggshells that are me
in one shape.
The alcohol can make me forget,
at least for a short while, I am no longer weightless.
It can only be described as a kind of---
mental disturbance.
Like an itch in the back of your brain that is
that you have to
drink. eat. drink.
Just to get rid of those
almost-voices snickering in the back of
your brain.
But the thing is,
those flickers,
they are what fill that empty space inside
your shell.
They are what makes you,
I can no longer feel the force of my own gravity.
The clawing demons
force themselves through the lengthening cracks
of what used to be me;
Until I become what I wish so much
I could defy.
Until I become all that I despise.