Allison Wonderland
I am battery acid on wood
Striving to be as honest as
A lover should be to her partner,
Hence, should be.
(I learned and I was forgiven.)
I feel the need to hide reality
Because conformity
As vast as jupiter
yet not as vast as the universe
Takes up space around me.
The other planets- planets of love, determination, loyalty (to me and to others,)
Are my dream destinations.
Each individual in my life
So unique, so different from I
Am I the alien?
Or are they all aliens?
I feel I function far into a fantasy.
I don’t understand them. But I do? But I don’t.
Or maybe they don’t understand me.
Luckily some fellow aliens join me.
We adventure, aspire, and admire
The stars in the sky and the stars in life. (We like to let them know we think they are stars.)
The moon knows loneliness.
It is the only thing to orbit the earth.
I am the only one to be me.
I conquer potential senses of isolation with self love, socialization,
and support.
Pain settles in my chest and sucks enthusiasm out of me
like a vacuum filled with lamented love.
To dance, to inspire someone’s smile, aids my defeat of that obstacle.
After all, a nova star flies after Earth
With an undetermined arrival date.
So, no time to waste.
I will be happy, I said.
I am happy.