World war III ! Are you kidding ?!?
I just want to know your views y'all! A big question; WOULD WAR BRING PEACE OR RUINS? you like wars as in you know the great shinobi war or war of the Ring (well I know they are different in ways they have might and power which a normal human doesn't possess). What would you do if it just happened? Write anything that's come to your mind; poetry, story etc.
Please tag me!
It started with a misfire.
The nuke was never supposed to hit civilian targets.
This would have been bad enough on its own, if it weren't for the fact that the country hit struck back.
This would have been bad enough on its own, if it weren't for the fact that America
The good news is, this can never happen again.
After all, there's no one left to fight.
Bye bye, humanity.