Hey everyone.
I just received some shocking and saddening news today. We lost one of our own. Tony Cavanagh (otherwise known as MilesNowhere on Prose), a great writer, a good friend, one of the pioneers that helped make Prose the strong community that it is today, has sadly passed away back in December. I just found out about this from a Facebook post that his wife Ashley, whom I’m friends with. She just announced this today.
I probably don’t have a right sharing this with everyone here, but I know that some of us—those that have been on this site the longest—knew him and were good friends with him and his wife, and I felt it was necessary to keep you in the loop. And I wanted to express how it truly hurts to lose a friend.
Tony, like I said, was definitely one of those people on Prose that helped make Prose the community that it is. He was kind and encouraging. And he was always funny and creative. The stuff that he would write could always bring a smile to your face or a tear in your eye. That just shows the true talent he had that he was willing to share it with everyone here.
Sometime between 2017 and 2018 he left Prose, along with several other of our family. I didn’t blame him when he did. My only regret is not having left with him and all the others when I could have. I became friends with him and his wife through Facebook, where he continued to write and bring a smile to everyone both friend and stranger. He helped form PoetsIN, a Facebook group where those with a passion for writing can thrive.
I’m deeply saddened by his passing. We didn’t just lose a friend. We lost a family member. While he may have left Prose, his passion, his kindness, his friendship, his legacy, is still here with us. We may have known him through a computer screen, but it feels like we’ve known him for a lifetime.
I’ll conclude with these words, as my farewell to my friend through writing and the web:
Tony, wherever you may be, I hope you are resting peacefully. From your family still here on Prose, we love you, and we’ll miss you.
And to Ashley, my dear friend:
We’re deeply sorry for your loss. Our hearts go out to you and your family. We’re here for you. We love you.
“In this life. Beyond the mundane of watching empires of thought rise, only to crumble - I found real love without any desire to search for it. So I guess I have that going for me.”
Rest in Peace, Tony.