Falling Today, Tomorrow and Forevermore...
We all fall down down from time to time, it seems like there's no way to get back up and that you will be stuck in this or that rut for an eternity. What makes anyone want to get back up? Why do we fall at all? Write about facing challenges and overcoming them. Any form will do just stick to the prompt...Good Luck!
( I put the challenge under poetry & free verse to get more challengers but any format is welcomed)
Are you Angry?
So much so that your biscuit brown eyes
light up in flames of raspberry -
flickering with malicious intent?
Does the blood in your veins burn?
As you bite your rose tongue,
do you yearn
to scream out and let the voices in your head be heard?
It feels as if the feelings will stay forever,
maybe build a home in your twisted little heart.
But just as the clouds reveal the sun after a storm,
a storm that seems to have an end - never.
You remember you can do that too, and reveal your true side,
that is Sweet, an oozing-with-sugar strawberry tart.