Something Sappy
I had never been in love before.
I avoided it. A veritable pariah.
I coasted through high school
with my nose in a book
baggy sweaters
and a tomboyish appeal.
I was not interested
in menial relations
and bore a case of near
Most of my friends
happened to be men
and I was reading King
while girls cooed over-
I met him in a class
I had offered at the zoo
which had me on a high anyway,
I mean-
who gets tutored beside a toucan?
We spent the night in a group
all herded into one room
and he wandered up and plopped down
and shared my pillow
while the rest of him stretched
comfortably away from me.
Not quite sure how to deal with it
I just laid there for a while
and eventually fell asleep
heartened when
nothing else happened.
We were friends for a time
dated, broke up.
Distance is rough
on any relationship.
But we remained friends
which apparently is rare
a mutual respect
that wouldn’t let it waver.
And now as chance would have it
here we are again
faced with a possibility
that distance
will no longer be a problem.
So for one last effort
we’ll give it another try
I’m hopeful that it works
maybe even confident
yet if it doesn’t
I find comfort in the knowledge
that despite it all
in the end
I will still
have my friend.