What is a monster?
*In my perception and reality*
A monster is someone or something that has no regard for life. A monster is not necessarily ugly or deformed or even imaginary, nor does it have to be seperate from one's self.
If there were a member of my species that I would deem a "monster", it would be someone who is psychopathic by nature (or nuture?) and has no concern for the well being of those around them, the population in general, someone who just seeks to destroy.
If I was going to look in myself and my own character defects I can say I have been a monster in my life towards others, Earth, and myself. If I were to name something that isn't necessarily "alive" but destroys all that we know and love - I would call the government a monster, Monsanto a monster, stress and fear a monster. Lies are monsters that destroy even the person who tells them, and those that the deciet touches. Drugs are monsters. The pharmeceutical companies are monsters. Religion is a monster. Anything that does not empower others, but seeks to control them through any means necessary - is a monster.
The biggest monster I face today is fear. Fear has done some terrible things to me and my body, my family and my community, therefore changing the world just a little more fearful a doubt at a time. Fear keeps people stuck, frozen. Fear seeks to destroy not only those who feel it but those around them. Fear is how the entire media circuit works today, and it's so obvious that this "system" wants to seek and cripple us from doing what we came here to do.
A monster has taken ahold of humanity causing them to waste their lives at meaningless jobs and professions where they are miserable and die a little more each day. A monster is something that needs slayed instead of accepted. A monster is constantly whispering in our heads telling us to do things for our ego instead of the betterment of mankind.
More simply put - you can find a monster everywhere these days - disguised as something that is supposedly good and healthy and meant for order or you can turn on your tv and see how much it loves monsters and how much it wants us to focus on the bad and ugly instead the good and beautiful - but monsters can be oh-so beautiful too.