Despite everything that happened between us, I miss my old best friend. She was kind and sweet and gentle, she always joked with me and sure she had her flaws and our friendship had flaws but we were only in elementary school, so really what did we even know about friendship?
i miss her a lot.
we lost contact a while ago and now I am trying to regain contact with her but it has proven to be hard.
I talked to my boyfriend the other day, I told him how I didn't want to lose contact with anyone once we moved forward in life because i valued my friendships so much, and how i was afraid that I would lose contact with them. "That's what sucks about life" he said, and I couldn't agree more.
we meet people, perhaps form a bond with them only to later forget about them. And i hate about that
I hate thinking that Maybe I've forgotten someone and that maybe they still think about me.
like how i still think of my old friend but i wonder if she had moved on with out me. And if she has, then I do hope she's doing well in life. I hope happiness finds her.
so my old best friend, I miss you, but i hope your life is wonderful, and if you ever get the chance to say hi to me, don't hesitate to do it.