I once was an Oak
How did I end up here? Broken and rotten
I watched it just all slip away
I once was an Oak who stood alone
With no way to re-grow the breaks
I took it for granted, my might and my worth
so excuses I can’t seem to make
I once was the Oak who stood alone
One the wind could not even shake.
I knew I would grow big and knew I would grow strong!
I was the reason the Gods sent the rain!
I once was an Oak who stood alone
but now Im just compost in pain.
My leaves have all fallen; my braches have broken
Ive lost all my fortune and fame
I once was an Oak who stood alone
But now Im a log full of shame
I hadn’t expected that I would uproot
I thought I’d be the last one to stand
I once was an Oak who stood alone
But now I’m just mulch for the land
OH, Mighty, OH, Mighty! OH, I was the king
But the mighty fell out of my name.
I once was an Oak who stood alone
til I fell before the end of my reign
So, be thankful for sunshine and stand tall every day
Be proud; try not to complain
Because one day you might be that Oak that has fallen
and end up just a log full of shame.