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I was minding my own business...
I was doing my own thing...
I was out among the stars...
I was a speck upon the beach...
When crisis cast her eyes on me...
When crisis cast her pretty eyes...
When crisis tossed the kitchen sink...
The wall fell open in one blink,
and I was in like Flynn, and thick
with all the spirits one could pick
out of the shadows that grow out
of indecision, and high doubt...
When crisis in her camouflage
came purring by, the world on pause
was gaping at her fiery glow...
There is so little that they know...
Clocktower chimes and at the brink
We must imbibe the missing link,
and find what begs to be ignored...
What crisis chilled us to the core?...
...And now that we have found her eyes
Within the glass, there's no surprise
that we can muster, as we've known
That crisis now is coming home.
Slack i Salessie