Challenge of the Week CLXVI
Stupid. What is it to be stupid? What a stupid question. Is stupid even logically coherent? Write about stupidity, or about something stupid; but don't write something stupid. Fiction or non-fiction, poetry or Prose.
How stupid you are
How do you feel,
My kings and my queens?
Is being stupid
One of those things?
If not, you are
Dumb to your core
If so, you're smart
Enough to know
Now, tell me how
How much and how less
You don't care much
Not really, I guess
But, if you do
Here is a quick test
Easy and simple
No need to be stressed
Close your eyes and see
Galaxies unfold
Start with your first step
No need to be bold
Tell me, what do you see
When your eyes do not?
It can be anything
Nothing or a lot
Are you brave enough,
My king and my queen,
To share with the others
Just what have you seen?
When you see inside of you
After going deep and far
You'll understand clearly
How stupid you are