love goes on
Wherever this road leads to, it's messy and winding
Our feet couldn't take any more crap if it does walk
Starting up an engine isn't that hard now, mind you
Once this electric heart starts pushing and shoving
There's no stopping it, just be ever so careful
When it does burn, it'll burn in an everlasting feat
Never mind them all, they'll get burnt sooner
"Cos once this electric heart starts pushing
Careful of your words, it might feel a bit insecure
But trembling, it will carefully attach itself nowhere
It might explode from time to time, to let you know
It isn't death that can stop us from living everyday
It's but the agony of our souls waiting to be free
That when our minds get sick of all the rationality
Our hearts will pause and smell the remaining life
Available to us all, that button waiting to be pushed
No wonder people stop and stare when they hear
The "boom!" "Boom!" and soon starts pouring in
Bleeding what seems to be of unnecessary blood