My Favorite Teacher
Everyone has one or two of those amazing teachers. Those teachers who help you with your problems, never yell, and make sure you understand what you're learning.
When I was in elementry, I was in extra advanced classes, and the teacher was amazing. Thanks to her, I learned algebra, circumfrance, and the pithegrian therum early easily. I did extra projects that challenged me, but never troubled me. This teacher made it fun.
Though, this isn't about her math or L.A. lessons. It's about her life lessons. I became less of a perfectionist thanks to her! And whenever someone was upset/crying in her class, instead of yelling or punishing them, she held them back and talked to them in a calm and encouraging way. I can't speak for everyone, but I know that I would always talk to her. She was just so easy to trust!
It's thanks to her (and my parents) that I actaully beleive I can become and author. It's thanks to her that I'm even on Prose. It's thanks to her that I'm still going.