I was eating lunch with my abusive partner and her friends, when I met Mads. I wasn't eating, and she was being shockingly kind to me given the precedent my ex had set for my treatment in the group. She had red hair, and the loveliest smile.
When I broke up to my ex in a massive breakdown, I texted Mads. I hadn't eaten in 36 hours and I wanted to die. She didn't talk me down because I didn't let on that anything was wrong but she kept me company through the worst of it.
We talked a lot about our mutual intrest in writing and music. She ssang wonderfully, and I went to see her in a musical in town.
I admired everything about her. She was beautiful and elegant. She spoke gracefully, and with kindness I wasn't accustomed to. I feel I was almost constantly in awe of her.