A Love Poem
I don't want this to sound like a love poem
This is not a poem about boy meets girl
And happily ever after
This is a poem about boy meets girl
And it's teeth and nails
Angry fighting
Comments aimed at the jugular
Because how dare he say that
And how dare she do this
This is a poem about
A girl so angry and anxious and hurt that she couldn't give anyone a chance
And a boy so depressed and scared that he'd jump on any bandwagon to fit in
This is a poem about them calming and remeeting
And hey maybe he isn't so bad
This is a poem about
Maybe we can be friends
This is a poem about
Now he has to go
This is a poem about
Quick phone calls
Always texting
Jokes sent rapid fire
Staying up late
Getting up early
Hating time differences
This is a poem about
Texts sent during class
Phone calls in passing
Skypes at least once a week
This is a poem about love
The love of siblings
Born with no genetics in common
The love of a friend so close they know every stupid thing each other does
The love of not holding your tongue
The love of a relationship advice
The love of deep secrets
This is a poem about
Coming out to one another
This is a poem about
Summers when he comes home
This is a poem about
Doing shit we hate that the other loves
This is a poem about
Dealing with each others annoying brothers
This is a poem about
Crying together the day he has to go back
Him walking her home
Lingering in front of the yard
Her not wanting to go inside
Him not wanting to walk back to the car
Waiting to take him to the airport
This is a love poem
Just not the kind we usually think of