The End of the World or Humanity?
Will the world ever end, or will humanity really be what ends? Microscopic life and seeds will probably be what will continue to exist if anything. If anything, viruses keep advancing and will probably be responsible for the end of humanity.
How could we help the world not end for us? Well, we really need to stop using things like plastics. We could start by buying canned pop instead of buying it in plastic bottles. The use of plastic bags at grocery stores is another thing we should stop. We could use large cloth bags to take to the grocery stores and if we use the plastic bags, put them in the plastic bag recycle box at Walmart.
Discovering something other than the use of penicillin would be wise. We know that using vitamins and zinc can help get us better from a cold. The use of certain herbs like echinacea can help too. But we need something more powerful than just penicillin. Why not make a medicine that combines the use of things that can help us such as zinc, vitamin c, grape seed extract, echinacea, etc. and include the new substance we discover that can help?