You can't wait for the world to end!
Imagine being a person who's excited for the end of the world. How do you want it to end and why? Will you miss anybody? What are your thoughts? Poetry or prose, make it interesting :D
a fitting punishment
is there something to be said
of this earth run by men?
of how it's been set in the street
left choking on the exhaust it breathes?
you won't hear a word from me.
i have no such sympathy.
you reap what you sow,
a man boasted his theory.
yes we do, i had replied evenly,
we reap what we sow, but
do you know why we sow?
and he blinked at me, eyes slow.
my lips pulled back, baring a grin
and this i said unto him:
we sow to reap the crop that grows
enough food for all of us to eat.
so perhaps when we reap,
we think should think of
who we need to feed and
act accordingly because
when the earth dries up with heat
and our bodies are too weak to feed
who then will be there for the sun to greet?
because it certainly won't be you or me.