Conspiracy of Truth vs. Doubt
Some of us are born with the ability to see things unseen, and to know things that are unspoken. We feel them so deeply and with such certainty that we have no other choice than to believe them. Though, it’s not enough to just to believe them; because they are somehow unequivocally a part of who we are.
The problem with this stems from the seeds of doubt that are planted by others in our lives. They dig their trowel’s into the eyes of our truth, desperately trying to unearth our understanding. Cowardly sowing only what they are willing to admit as the truth. Poisoning our minds with doubt, leaving us to wander amongst a garden; questioning everything we know to be true.
That is until the day we accept that WE are the cultivators of our lives. At which point, we begin to weed the garden with our own truths, our own beliefs, and our own understanding. Casting aside all that ever made us doubt or question the truth of who we really are.