Gotta fix the boredom. Gotta fix the boredom. Gotta fix the freaking boredom.
So, I could eat? I'd tear the fridge apart, who knows how old this is? Hey, a week expired isn't that bad, right? I'd have the company of food, the company of the packaging and the crumbs on the plate. No, no that isn't it...what else what else what else
Sex? Nah. I can't leave the house. Wouldn't be able to meet up with anyone. I'm afraid of feeling dirty afterwards. After all, women aren't suppose to like random sex, right? I'd be a slut, like I'm not one already.
Nap? Again? Christ, how lazy can I be?
I've showered already. I have no one to talk to. I have nothing.
No. No no. I have Prose. Yes, Prose. I can go on there and write something totally meaningless. Something that no one will read. Enter a contest or three that I won't win. (As if I could under any other circumstance). That's it. Yeah. I'll do that.
Let's do that. Login, password autofill. I'm in. Let's write something random. Shout into the abyss and see who's got the guts to respond. Those are fighting words. Cook up a nobody post. Yeah. Typingtypingtyping...wait...backspacebackspace...perfect. Did I fix the boredom yet? Skim it. No errors please, we don't want to look stupid. Okay, cool. Nod. Thumbs up at the computer. Publish. Think it's working maybe. I'm not so bored. Okay, but like, focus. Publish.Wait no..yes..no..ohmygodjustdoityouwimp...fine, just shut up. Publish.