It's something that we all don't like.
We wish for it to go away but it never does.
It drives away our bravery and our confidence.
It's like watching a horror movie over and over
and it never stops but we all wish it does.
Doubts start to come in our mind and we start to believe them.
That happens a lot in life especially when your at a very importance place of your life.
Whether your at a job interview, or preparing for a test, or when you fall in love.
We shouldn't let fear stop us from doing any of those things. We can't let fear win all the time. We have to tell ourselves that we are not afraid and walk with our head up high. Walk through it. Talk through it. Be the person you want to be in your life. Also don't let other people put fear in your mind. They are just trying to put you down or be hateful. They're probably scared themselves. Sure there are times in life were going to be scared but know that if your put the bravery first, then you will leave the fear behind.