My Mommy
I saw your mommy away from home
early evening once again
I saw your mommy richen her tone
with money you can’t spend
I saw your mommy walk to church
with a golden galore she wore
I saw your mommy bend and hurt
while other mommies cried for her
And I saw her gleam with you in her eyes
and swears right on her lips
She said she wanted to see you fly
while you trembled at her hips
I saw her teeth in her large, wide smile
yellow, rotting decay
I heard her shoes on cracking tile
and I ran away
Your mommy sang of better times
that have yet to exist
Your mommy sang sweet, sweet lies
yet nothing seemed amiss
Your mommy sang loudly all sorts of laud
to show you off like a trophy’s shine
But she only shrieked behind her facade
watching you through bottles of wine
Only I could see you broken and worn
in the mirror when you let loose
Only I could right your wrongful scorn
because I knew the unknown truth
But a reflection may offer no true aid
only a useless sympathy
And no one could warrant my burning hate
for all the times with Mommy and me.
*This poem isn't about me in case anyone was mistaken