I come back, half-baked
My delineations tired
and creations uninspired
get me hired, get me fired
make me hungry, thin and wired
make me forcibly expired
like I'm fucking undesired
after all that I've acquired
all I've done to be admired
my existence has transpired
and the truth is, I'm just tired.
hi, here I am, struggling
to endure the narrative growths
burdening my legs and feet
clutching my cosmic uselessness
to my chest
as it falls and trails behind--
and your compulsions to categorize
my uncountable parts
belie the whole
experience of senseless infection
from relentless projections
of internal logic
as eternal as it is internal
as it is she, as it are they, as it am I --
and now we disavow this treatise, too;
our words, though sparse, are clutters
of nothings. Nothings like: we call
what we call “storyteller”: “self”;
“audience”: “other” -- suspend:
no more.
To suit our point
we leave half-baked