Wrapt in Apt
Good and bad are curious bedfellows both, encouraging us to live half a life. Instead be apt.
Apt is best, for what is apt changes like the rolling of breath, the trickling of sound, over my teeth and out my chest.
In the world of playgrounds, apt is to punch and swear with rude vitality.
In the world of funerals, apt is to huddle and muse with solemn deference.
In the world of dates, apt is to entertain and connect with cheeky vigour.
In the world of commutes, apt is to sit and read with contained constraint.
Apt is the guidance of moral divinity.
Apt, in three symbols, is semantic infinity.
Apt, you empower the well-read masses.
Apt, you rule over social media classes.
Wrapt in apt you’ll feel no fear
Of any fact of life or love
When Apt can be your peer.