Far far away there’s a universe, that says you need to read
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, there lived a boy, who seemed to be normal. As he seems to live in a normal world. But one day...
“Ohhh come on! How many stories like, this are you going to tell us grandpa?“, asked Tom.
Well, umpfh. So... I’m going to tell you a true story, written by true blood.
“Dad come on! The child should go to sleep soon. He shouldn’t have nightmares.“, said James.
But you want me to tell you a story right?
“YES!“, answered both at one time.
A long time ago, I felt like I was in a galaxy far far away from any humanity. When Hitler rised...
“Helmut stop telling those old stories. Noone wants to hear them anymore.“, screamed his wife from the kitchen.
So... What stories do we want to listen to these days? Isn’t news chilling enough? Didn’t Hollywood already come up with the craziest things you could imagine?
I don’t think so. So let’s start to read again and become creative. Create your own universe not far far away, but in your brain.