Waiting for Sunshine
I gaze and look out through my second floor windows, and I see nothing moving. Not even the wind or the trees outside. I only see silence knocking on doors; nobody answers its calls, however. Everyone is hiding inside, scared of moving a muscle or even sneezing. So, silence keeps on moving door to door, pounding to break in, and find a single soul that can welcome it; yet the air of quietness brewing inside the closed cages pushes it away as far as the wind can carry it on its wing.
I sigh heavily. It is time to retract.
I put back the blindfolds and walk towards my empty bed. It’s time for bedtime. I turned off the lights and hid between the cold sheets, waiting for the sunshine. Maybe at dawn, I could go outside and roam like birds. Until then, I’ll try closing my eyes and sleep quietly, if silence won’t knock on my doors again.
Midnightink 5-3-20