Prose to Poetry
Look back through your old work. Find an original piece of prose (could be a story, reflective thoughts, etc) and convert it into a work of poetry. Can be free verse, haiku, whatever you please! :)
If you would like, include a link at the end to the original prose piece.
I've included my own entry as an example. Have fun!
Recovering Trying Times
The challenges and trials
Lasted a long while,
Beaten down and weak,
Every day of the week.
I thought I wasn’t strong,
But I was so wrong.
One day I just prayed,
Relying on God to guide me,
To give me hope to cope.
My troubles once doubled,
Began to subside in size,
Eased and decreased,
I was infused with peace.
Today I’m not as stressed,
Sometimes I get depressed,
A remedy for the enemy,
Puts it to rest.
The past is gone,
I’m moving towards
Looking forward
To a better tomorrow,
Free of sorrow.
Bound to a place,
With a smile on my face,
I call it my happy space,
Where peace lives,
And pure bliss exists.