back then
centuries of learned destruction
one after the other after the other
a snowball rolling down hill
it all started with just a tiny snowflake
here we all sit in today, this hour, this minute
never seen before and never seen again
there are times i want to grab the moment
i want to hold it like a lover and keep it safe
there are the times my mind
my thoughts swims backward
i walk into my 6 year old self
everything looks different
nothing is familiar or comforting
there is a tension that is palpable
in the air, a dense fog of unhappiness
my mother screaming at full volume
my dad laughing then driving away
my sister and i not even cringing
"guess we aren't having supper tonight"
we play candy land because that is fun
apologies, drunken stupors, violence, bruises
nostalgia is a bitch in red heels