Dear young warrior,
You and I may not see eye to eye. Where you see fireworks and warmth from a fire in a cozy cottage, I see explosions killing millions of people and my neighbors in tears after watching their beloved home burn down. I cannot see the world in your eyes anymore. Too much has happened and more is to come. We live in an age of danger, secrets, and lies, where kids are bullies and made fun based on their race or a disability. No this was not the world you probably imagined. Jumping from couch to couch, avoiding the lava floor and saving your bear from the evil hands of a made up character, you dreamt of a world where you were a superhero, saving people’s lives. Sorry to break your dreams kiddo, but superheroes don’t exist. There are evil people and normal people. But no superheroes. No one to come and save you when you are being bullied. No one to save your favorite aunt from cancer. No one to stop a car from hitting and killing your friend. There’s no one. It’s lonely here. I don’t have friends who care about me and everyone is just so busy trying to get that A or that job that they don’t care who they run over to get there. The world we live in now, dreams are crushed and the reality is too hard to live in. I remember a time being you and feeling like nothing could stop me. That time is over. It’s time to grow up.