The Nook.
I've romanticised the rain, a good book, a warm blanket and a cup of coffee. In that order. I've told the world I do my best reading then. But then, I've told the world a number of things about my affair with the rain and they may not necessarily be the truth.
What is true is the one constant thought when it does rain.
You first cross my mind when I see the dark clouds gather. They come heavy with the promise of rain and lay quite the burden on my routine.
The drizzle falls in its pitter-patter pattern and my thoughts rage in that should I-should I not fashion.
I give it a few minutes and the rain falls in earnest. I stare at it for a while then I make up my mind. My decision is bitter-sweet.
I curl up in bed and smile to myself, knowing there are few greater pleasures than falling asleep to the sound of rain. The torrent in my head eventually quiets and I take comfort in this - even though I can't hold you close and tell you how much I love you, even though I won't let you whisper your sweet nothings to me, even though I can't take you to bed with me - that you are always the first and last thought I have as it rains.
And I do think of you, Good Book that I should be reading!