Challenge of the Month XIV: May
Spirit World. Some call them ghosts, or angels, or guides. The Japanese call it Shinto. Cultures around the world call it Shamanism. Many call them the schizophrenic ravings of lunacy. Whatever you call it, or them, write about the unseen world of spirits. Fiction or non-fiction, poetry or Prose. $100 purse to our favorite entry. Outstanding entries will be shared with our publishing partners.
Death according to the dictionary is the destruction or permanent end of something. However, the path we take to are death is unclear. The dictionary defines life as the existence of an individual human being or animal. But, how we live our life is imprecise. Death used to be something I read about, saw on television, or occasionally heard about. But recently death is no longer a concept, I now know death is real because I died. The spirit world is exactly as you imagine it to be. Because when you die your soul travels to the place you dreamed or thought you deserved to go to in the afterlife.