Sit on the internet less, because...
According to statistics, people suffer from various neurological disorders while reading a lot of news. Reading the fate of strangers in foreign lands during the day leads to negative consequences: it tires the brain and leads to stress. Why do we grieve for those who are far away from us? Why do people crave news? The answer is because we think the more information we get, the smarter we become! Is that really so? Maybe...
If you want to live in a world without grief worries, read less messages and don’t give in to passion! But don't forget to be aware: the fate of other people today can happen to you tomorrow ...
So there has to be a limit to everything. I’m not saying stay away from the world with this statement! Corollary: People can't be happy if lie will die...
Poetic piece:
...lies and ignorance serve for my happiness...