I am my mother’s daughter, my father’s legacy and the bane of my sister’s existence. Young, but not a child. Old, but not an adult. I am on the cusp of finding my purpose... or am I? How dramatic.
Maybe I’ll have that same lightbulb moment my sister had, when she realised that the sole reason for her existence was to slave away at med school for 10+ years in sunny down under. But what can I say? One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Or in this case, what would be my personal hell is her heaven on earth.
Or maybe I’ll end up like my parents. Without a college degree and thoghroughly regretting getting married 20 years down the line.
Life’s strange. Everything seems so wishy-washy, from how quickly interests fade, or the way my grudges ebb and flow like waves on the beach. I really wish I knew more about myself. Been alive for a decade and a half, and still haven’t got a clue. If there’s one thing I do know, it’s that my biggest fear is turning 50 and only then realising that I should’ve begun my shot put career decades ago.
I know nothing, and even if I knew everything, nothing would be for certain. Every single thing is subject to change. Nothing is set in stone, but maybe that’s a good thing. It’s exciting that way. And good lord do I need some excitement in my life right now.