Father of Fathers
In a time before time, in a place without space that is so big that it is as incomprehensible as the ocean is to a hydrogen atom, there was a father. He wasn’t a father yet, but he knew what he was.
In a moment that was just like every other moment before it, deep in the sack of this father, was a spark that would change everything. It was creation in its purest form, and it started with a Big Bang.
In what seems like forever, but for the father was but an instant, his child awoke. It gained a consciousness. It was alive, but it was young. It did not take long for the child to realise that it knew nothing. It had the potential to know everything that ever was and would ever be, but that is a lot to learn on your own. So the child, being the creation of the father, became a father itself. It created a place for its children to learn. And as the child’s children learnt, so did the child. These children were created in its image. Young, lost and yearning for new knowledge. From its children, the child learn to love. With love it learnt to hate. Without love there can be no hate. The child learnt about polarity. The child learnt that you cannot have good without bad. It could be truly happy without knowing what it is to be sad. This thirst for knowledge means that the child’s brain is always growing. Creating more space for the information it gathers. Somewhere deep inside that great darkness, lays a pocket of energy that creates everything needed for the child’s children.
In that darkness, are the children alive? Are they thoughts given consciousness or is the consciousness merely an illusion created by the child. If these children are here to learn and teach the child, what happens to the children when the child has grown up and knows everything there is to know?