KEEP Model, summarized the path of remaining focused in my journey of life. The knowledge about my experiences has enabled me to explore and unlock my potentials more effectively and efficiently.
The beautiful moment I spend pursuing knowledge about what I want is not a wrong idea. However, channelling this knowledge towards where my strength is will not only make my journey to success easier but blossom my potentiality with ease. The ability to know is within me, but it is fitting to shift from the shadow that I knew and move into the pragmatic operation of what the reality is, explore what I have experienced and how best it can be sustained to create the world I seek, the paradise I longed to dwell and share these potentials so as to transform the world beyond my thinking. Living in the shadow cripples one’s ability to know that I can do more than what is in the shadow. Most notably, my life ghost knowledge; ghost knowledge in the sense that I do plan the way for others to move forward but unable to get out of my own shadow and exist. My greatest enemy was fear of exploring who I am, and what I can do best not just what others can do to become superfluous but what I can. Success comes in variable dimensions depending on where this bright morning favours found you. Do not let your fear counsel you. Shadow is like a cobweb that engrosses one's reality.#